Un peu d'actualité indépendantiste de la semaine 49 2020 : 29.11-5.12
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Annonces & Agenda
- https://www.blelorraine.fr/product/masque-lorrain/
- 16.11 : https://riftvalley.net/news/doctoral-studentship-history-constitution-making-sudan doctoral studentship
- Online Workshop: The issues of Amazigh Studies, current and future challenges
- 02.11.2020 https://www.chartercitiesinstitute.org/careers/urban-planning-internship-spring-2021
- https://www.chartercitiesinstitute.org/careers/research-internship-spring-2021
- https://twitter.com/KabylieDe/status/1321984912514306049 Cours de Kabyle
- https://studentsforliberty.org/north-america/blog/jobs/european-events-associate/
- https://mises.org/wire/new-hoppe-book New Hoppe book
- Get involved in campaigning today for a #FreeWestPapua. Here's a list of worldwide groups: https://www.freewestpapua.org/info/west-papua-campaign-groups/
- De Facto is looking for an intern who can join our team! Interested? #internship #borders #unrecognizedstates
- opinion publique en Corse et en France : Liberté pour Jean-Pierre Santini et ses camarades - Signez la pétition !
- https://www.chartercitiesinstitute.org/post/job-posting-head-of-communications-cci 21.10.2020
- https://ocean.builders/cruiseship/
Quelques News
05.12 : 'Free the Cape!': Independence march hits Stellenbosch despite sweltering temperature
05.12 : Pénurie de munitions aux États-Unis !
04.12 : Amazigh World News joins hands with Amadal Press to elevate Amazigh Journalism
04.12 : TNM Set To Make Major Announcement on #TEXIT Bill This Tuesday
04.12 : EXCLUSIF. Ferhat Mehenni sur la diplomatie Kabyle : « nous sommes prêts » (interview)
04.12 : Hong Kong : trois militants pro-démocratie condamnés
04.12 : Supreme Court revokes prison privileges of jailed pro-independence leaders
03.12 : The Nations of the USA - RECKONIN'
03.12 : Spanish ex-military want to ‘start shooting 26 million sons of bitches’
03.12 : https://www.nationalia.info/new/11356/where-the-dust-never-settles Artsakh
02.12 : Why Governments Hate Decentralization and "Local Control" | Ryan McMaken
02.12 : Free port site for Scotland ‘could be decided within months’
02.12 : Hong Kong: Joshua Wong et deux autres militants prodémocratie condamnés à de la prison
02.12 : Communiqué : le journal en ligne Twala est censuré en Algérie.
02.12 : A quarter of the European Parliament votes in favour of the right to self-determination
01.12 : Cape Independence march | Let's Talk w\ Phil Craig (CIAG) | 1 Dec 2020
01.12 : More than 560,000 sign up to Scottish Gaelic course
01.12 : America Is Over. It’s Time To Opt Out – Issues & Insights
01.12 : President Bihi Discusses Bilateral Ties with Czech Delegation
01.12 : French MPs in favour of a solution to the Catalan political conflict
30.11 : Speaking on NH Independence at the "Stop the Steal" Rally in Concord, NH
29.11 : https://corsicalibera.corsica/restitution-du-site-dasprettu-au-peuple-corse/
29.11 : La 13ème session du MEDPA en direct